Week 4
This week it has started to feel much more like Autumn has arrived, however, we have still managed to get outside as much as possible.
In English, we have been writing our own version of "The Pebble in my Pocket" which includes a variety of prepositions, verbs and adjectives. We finished the week by publishing these ready for our writing wall.
In maths, we have been continuing to look at place value by rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 as well as comparing numbers using the more than and less than symbols.
Our quest journey took us inside a volcano this week where were learned how volcanoes are formed as well as the different parts of a volcano. Towards the end of the week, we got stuck into building our own model of the earth and its layers. We looked at and practised our rolling and smoothing and shaping techniques using a variety of tools ready for next week when we paint our amazing models. We then went ahead and wrote some brilliant, informative instructions for the other classes in year 3/4 to use when they start building their models.
In French this week with Mrs Newbury, we have been learning how to say goodbye both formally and informally. See below for the learning that we have completed with Mrs Akhurst in our computing lesson.
Next week, we look forward to our visitors coming into school where we will be looking at different rock types as well as fossils.