Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School


Reception walk in the local area

Comparing Bruton and Antarctica in EYFS

In Ibis class, we looked into lines of longitude and latitude and their degrees in each direction of the compass. We then went onto google maps and found specific coordinates for different places around the world.

In year 3/4, we created our own buildings that would survive our earthquake simulation.

In year 3/4, we create our own Ring of Fire to erupt our volcanoes

In Year 2 we have been learning all about mapping. We had a cartographer come in to show us his maps and how you can be really creative with them when choosing the colours. We thought about what we use maps for and how now people use maps on their phones and SAT Navs. The children created their own maps (with keys) based on the Isle of Struay from our English text - Katie Morag.
