Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Photographs of our learning

A fun way to end this term was a dip in the pool!

For well-being day, we spent the afternoon participating in activities that make us happy! We did some messy play, playdough, colouring and lego building. The children all had lots of fun, and there was plenty of laughter and smiles in the classroom!

We were very lucky to have Francesca Bex come into school to work alongside us using watercolours. It was a great day and we all got a lot out of it.

Look at what happened when we did the Skittles rainbow experiment!

The beautiful weather meant we could go out onto the field for PE. Today we practiced running races and relay races.

We went to visit Bo Lee and Workman Gallery. We listened to Jemma and Alice telling us about the Artist Kathryn Maple and her exhibition 'Encounters'. The Artist uses lots of layers in her work. We looked carefully at the paintings and used the oil pastels to start building layers in our sketch books. Later we will start adding people to our work.

In Forest School we learnt about natural and man made objects. We then went on a colour scavenger hunt to try to find natural objects of each colour on the colour wheel.

We had a visit from Magic Lantern. Bryony told us about how colours have changed in art over the years. We learnt about the paint that cavemen made and how different colours can show how important different people are in paintings.

We took part in a fun Science experiment all about colour mixing!

Stations of the Resurrection. We went to visit St Mary's Church in Bruton to see some special paintings by the artist Richard Caemmerer. We met Reverend Gill who told us all about the paintings.

The Day the Crayons Quit. Today we had a letter from our class pencils to let us know they were going on strike! We then found out about our new class book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. We helped the crayons with their protest by making placards and having a protest of our own on the playground! All of Key Stage 1 joined in!
