Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School


Welcome to Ibis Class



Teacher: Mrs Akhurst            TAs: Mrs Elliot 


Welcome to the Ibis Class page. 


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look at our class page. 


Our topic for the whole of this Spring Term is Earth and Space. From this we will link lots of other areas of the curriculum including English, Art, DT and ICT. 


Our PE days are Wednesdays with Mr Creed and Monday with the Class teacher, so please remember to wear PE kit on those days. .


Homework will be set with weekly maths homework linked to the learning which is taking place in class, as well as spellings sent home and a termly project or something similar which links to the topic.

In addition, time on Spelling Shed each week is promoted as each child has been set additional spellings to suit their each individual level of writing. We ask that children read daily and practise their spellings and times tables. These will be tested weekly.


Don't forget to read regularly and sign their reading record - and no, Year 5&6 is not too old for children to not be read to at bed time! They still love it!


I hope to update this site with news and pictures of our learning, and the Ibis Google Classroom. 


Our class email address:

Please feel free to email with queries or messages.


Year 5/6 Reading List (currently Year B)

Year 5 and 6 Class Trip Letter
