Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Be Creative

To be CREATIVE like Cleo the Chameleon:


  • I can apply what I have learnt to different situations.
  • I can be flexible and work as part of a team. 
  • I can learn in different ways.
  • I can find different ways to tackle a problem. 

Our whole school display showing how to be creative.

We focused on working as part of a team and finding different ways to tackle a problem. We worked in groups to complete two challenges. 


Challenge 1 - to guide a team mate blindfolded across a track, using directional words only. 

Challenge 2 - to get from one end of the playground to another with only a few pieces of equipment.


The children were very good at listening to each other's ideas and ensuring they all completed the challenge together. 

12 Circle Challenge

The goal was to push ourselves to test our creativity by turning circles into recognisable objects in a very short period of time. 

Eagle Class - Bench activity!

In our groups, we had to stand on a bench and carefully re-order ourselves depending on the teacher's request e.g. height order. We moved from tallest to shortest trying hard not to fall off the bench.  

We completed a river challenge where  we had to work in our teams to transport ourselves and our equipment across the 'river' and back without falling in. 

Being creative in Upper Key stage 2

We began by discussing the word ‘creative’ and identified what it means to us before finding a definition. We then discussed ways in which we can be creative in school.

Following this, we identified people in our world and discussed how they must show creativity to be successful. We began with more obvious examples such as an artist before moving onto teachers, children, chefs, parents and more.

Our main activity involved problem solving and how we can be creative when solving problems we face. We were given a complex problem which could be solved in a variety of ways. We discussed strategies that we could use and solved the problem in the way that suited us best. 

As a final activity, we were given a budget and a list of recipes. We had to create some tasty meals using only a small budget.

Photos of Hawk class being creative in solving problems in Maths


Ibis class have been looking at animals that camouflage themselves in the jungle. As part of our Being Creative morning we then made our own. 

Can you spot the camouflaged creatures?

Dove Class imagining where their road or tunnel will go

Eagle Class designing their own flowers

Goldfinch and Hawk thinking about what it means to be creative
