Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Classroom photos

As part of our ICT topic of 'programming' we had some fun using the Bee-bots!

In Forest School we had a go at making leaf transfers - the aim is to sandwich a leaf between two pieces of paper roll, and bash it hard! Some were more successful than others, but the children certainly enjoyed the process!

We had some incredible Quest homeworks for our topic 'What is colour?' Thank you to the parents/carers for your help!

Wellbeing day - today was all about the children being themselves, being comfortable, happy and having good mental health. In the afternoon we set up a carousel of activities, the children were free to do whatever they chose!

For science we did the well-known skittles experiment! We had lots of discussions about what we thought would happen and why. Of course the most popular part was being able to eat the skittles at the end!

A drizzly day in Forest School! we took up some colour wheels and tried to find as many matching colours as we could. Then we had some fun playing and getting muddy!

Some of the activities currently set up in our outside area relating to our Quest topic 'What is colour?'

During Forest School we talked about how animals rely on their senses much more than we do, as they usually have poorer eyesight. Then we took turns being blindfolded and attempting to steer each other through the area.

I was very impressed with the children's write ups about our science experiment, it was interesting to see their reasoning behind the changes in colour.

Our science experiment this week was to use red cabbage as a PH indicator. Whilst the red cabbage was soaking to make a deep purple liquid, we made predictions about what would happen when we mixed it with lemon juice and then bicarbonate of soda. When we carried out the experiment, the lemon juice turned pink and the bicarbonate turned blue!

More from our outdoor provision area! This week we have primary colour mixing and some real/fake words to sort.

In our Quest this term we have lots of art to do! So far we have looked at Mondrian and Monet's work and even had a go at copying their famous pieces! Have a browse through our amazing work.

KS1 had a road safety information assembly with Martin who taught them to 'stop, look, listen and think!'

During science we carried out an experiment using dyed water, we dipped each end of some kitchen towel into two primary colours and watched as they were absorbed and met in the middle. This was perfect for consolidating our understanding of how primary colours mix to make secondary colours!

Eagle class visited St Mary's church to view a series of paintings titled 'stations of the resurrection.' We had a go at being detectives and spotted the shadowy figures in each painting. It's still a mystery who the figures are supposed to represent...

With the better weather we are going to be using our KS1 outside area much more! This term the playhouse has become an art gallery, to enhance our Quest topic of 'What is colour?'

Our learning behaviour this term is resilience. We had a discussion about turning negatives into positives and then we completed an activity on 'mistake art.' One person had to close their eyes and scribble on a piece of paper, then we swapped and the other person had to turn that scribble into a picture!
