Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School


We are a group of parents and other volunteers with local interests. Through events and other initiatives we raise money for the school and bring forward ideas about how to make Bruton Primary an even better place for our kids. 

We would love to encourage as many parents and members of the school community to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. The more people that are prepared to help, the more we can do for the school. 

Families and carers will automatically become members when their child joins our school, but their level of engagement and input is optional. All help, no matter how little, is very much appreciated.

Our current core committee consists of Kim Kirby and Jess Harnack (Co-Chairs), Joanna Thorburn (Treasurer). We are still looking for a Secretary to join us and would love to chat to anyone who is interested. Job shares are welcomed!  


We have a wider group of volunteers who come along to committee meetings and help out at our events on a regular basis. We are very flexible about what this help looks like and totally understand that people may only be able to come and the beggining or end of the event to help. We aren't fussy and will take all the hands we can get. 

Meetings are held every half term and any parent/guardian or staff member can attend to find out what we are planning, share ideas and get involved. We try to mix up the times of these meetings to allow as many people as possible to join.


If you would like to join us please speak to a committee member, come along to our next meeting, or email us


This financial year alone we have we have been able to support the school school funding various projects including:

  • Phonic Books
  • 25 - Tablet Computers
  • STEM resources
  • Forest School Resources
  • PA System
  • Subsidising the transport for school trips
  • Funding Leavers Hoodies
  • Supporting Artist costs 
  • Supporting resources for History Week
  • Library Storage
  • Digi Map Resources
  • Benches for the swimming area
  • Songs for assemblies’ resources


Every child has benefited in some way from our support this year. With your help we can continue to support our children and enhance their school experience. 


We are currently working on raising around £30,000 to update the play equipment on the school field. This is a big undertaking for us and we'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas on how to raise more money, know of any companies that might be able to donate some money or provide match funding. 


How we raise money

Like most PSAs, the majority of our funds are raised through events. Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes, auction lots, or offer your services and skills.

You can also help us raise money whilst you shop online with no cost to you.  

Please click on one of the following links to register and to find out more:


If you do your food, or other shopping online and go via one of these sites you could raise £1 for the school each time. Over the year this would be a significant donation. Please do sign up now. 


You may see our collection tubs dotted around town, if you, or anyone you know, would be willing to have a tub at your business premises please let us know. 


You an also make a one off or regular donation to our charity via the following link:


All donations are greatly appreciated.  


How we spend the money we raise

The committee are responsible for deciding how our funds are spent. We discuss funding requests at our meetings. 

Funds are typically spent on the ‘extras’ that are not covered by the school’s budget and are mainly bought to us by the school.


How we keep you up to date

We have a noticeboard situated on the walkway into school where you’ll find all our posters and news.

If you have access to Facebook and Instagram, please follow us:


If you would like to join our volunteer PSA WhatsApp group then please speak to a committee member or email


We also share information about meetings and upcoming events via the class Whatsapp Groups and the School Weekly Planner and newsletter.  


Bruton Primary School PSA is a registered charity in England our registration number is: 1092360.

