Gallery of Learning
Kingfisher began to use engineering and coding skills to make Lego vehicles and code them to move forwards. We are going to race them next week, making adjustments to weight and aerodynamics to help them travel faster.
A successful attempt girls!
Ibis class have begin to work with Lego Coding kits. We have made robots and have been able to manouver then in straight lines, made then turn and also coded the lights on the hubs.
Year 5 created Vector drawings on Google Drawing of some of the different Mayan logograms that we have spent time looking at today.
Ibis have used databases to help them find flights and plan trips for each month of the year. They had a limit and had to find the best offers possible.
Computer club has looked at software that can help produce AI generated images. We created some weird and wacky designs of our own imagination.
Ibis Class spent time on Scratch and created a maze and a code that would allow people to use the arrow keys to let their characters travel through the maze. Some children added in the use of a Pen to represent the thread left by Theseus in the story that inspired us. Others, created a minotaur character than would send our main character back to the beginning if touched.