We want our children at East Somerset Federation to acquire knowledge, skills, concepts and positive attitudes whilst deepening their understanding across all scientific disciplines. We will use the National Curriculum to support teaching and learning and will provide opportunities for whole school investigations enabling children to apply skills and knowledge.
Working scientifically will be embedded and children will develop an intrinsic desire to question the way the world around them works. They will develop the necessary skills to investigate and apply this knowledge beyond the scientific classroom.
Children will build upon prior knowledge as they progress through the school and will be eager to share their learning using scientific terminology and vocabulary.
The week commencing the 11th March is British Science Week. In school we will be completing a range of activities, developing the children's Working Scientifically skills. We will be welcoming ambassadors from different STEM careers in to work with the different KS2 classes.
Below is a range of different activities that you may wish to look through and complete at home.