Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School


Dear Class of 2024/25, 


Hello and welcome to Goldfinch's class page. In Goldfinch class, you will find Mr. Baggs the class teacher, and Mrs. Williams, the class teaching assistant.

In Goldfinch class, we link our learning to six Quest topics. In order to find out more about each half term's topic, please click on the links below.


If you would like to get in contact, please email


A few key pieces of information:

  • Our PE  slots are on Tuesday (Mr Baggs)and Wednesday (Mr Creed) , however always check the weekly planner as there may be changes.
  • We will aim to check the children's reading diaries at the end of each week, but please ensure their reading book and diaries and sent in to school every day.
  • We recommend that all children read daily to an adult at home and that you record this in your child's reading record.
  • The children are allowed pencil cases in the classroom as long as they are small enough to fit in their trays.
  • Please label all property as it makes it a lot easier to be returned. 
  • Your child's login details for the school email, TimesTablesRockStars (TTRS), Edshed and Accelerated Reader (AR) are written in the back of their reading diary. 
  • Weekly spellings are shared with children each Friday for the week ahead and your child can access Edshed to practice. Alternatively, please feel free to send in any creative ways that you have learnt your spellings. 
  • Please refer to the school's uniform policy and ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. 

Dear Class of 2023/24, 


Hello and welcome to Goldfinch's class page. In Goldfinch class, you will find Mr. Baggs the class teacher, and Mrs. Williams, the class teaching assistant.

In Goldfinch class, we link our learning to six Quest topics. In order to find out more about each half term's topic, please click on the links below.


If you would like to get in contact, please email

Welcome to



Dear Class of 2022/23, 


Hello and welcome to Goldfinch's class page. In Goldfinch class, you will find Mr. Baggs the class teacher, and Mrs. Williams, the class teaching assistant.

In Goldfinch class, we link our learning to six Quest topics. In order to find out more about each half term's topic, please click on the links below.


If you would like to get in contact, please email


Welcome to


Dear Class of 2021/22, 


Hello and welcome to Goldfinch's class page. In Goldfinch class, you will find Mr. Baggs the class teacher, and Mrs. Williams, the class teaching assistant.

In Goldfinch class, we link our learning to six quest topics. In order to find out more about each half term's topic, please click on the links below.


If you would like to get in contact, please email








Climate Change - 'Can our choices and actions really change the future of our planet?'

Creating and sharing our text maps in English

Carymoor Environmental Agency - we enjoyed our 'Waste Odyssey' workshop to begin our new Quest
