Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Sustainable Development Goals Activities


   As you may remember, we recently had a Focus Week in school concentrating on understanding the   importance of The Sustainable Development Goals (which there is information on within this section   of the school website)

   One of the main aims for our Link with Zambia has always been for the children and staff from   Bruton and Mufulira to share learning. We have been very lucky over the past 16 years to have been   able to send teachers on reciprocal visits to work on a topic shared by both schools. As you know Mrs   Newbury and Miss Edwards were due to travel to Mufulira this March. Everything was prepared and   work from our Focus Week was all ready to go. We are really hopeful that this may still be possible   next year but in the meantime we are sharing work completed by the children through photographic   evidence. 


  The teachers in Mufulira tell us that their pupils were just beginning to gather work related to our   Sustainable Goals Project when the school was closed due to Covid19. I am pleased to be able to show   some images of their progress so far.


      Here the children were working on a    

 display to show how many seasonal foods

 are dried and stored to preserve them   for future use. This would include   mushrooms, groundnuts and caterpillars

 ( according to Mrs Atkins, when she tried   them during her visit to Mufulira in 2013,   they taste just like smoky bacon


This is an example of healthy eating followed by many Zambian families.

The snack is very nutritious and filling. It is fermented roasted cassava and roasted groundnuts (can be eaten salted or salt free) It has all the nutrients and it is best washed down with  plain water or a cup of black tea or coffee. Most children and adults enjoy this oil-free, cholesterol-free snack. 


        Egg shells are not thrown away as they are ground into a powder which makes excellent manure for plants and a cleaning agent for scrubbing kitchen utensils!




   Just like us, our Zambian friends are working hard to tackle the problem of plastic pollution. The pupils often make new toys from recycled materials making it an affordable way to have fun. This skipping rope was made from the plastic rings around bottle tops.

