Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Junior Link Committee


We are the Junior Link Committee and we welcome you to the page set up to celebrate how we, as pupils of Bruton Primary School, think our Link with Mufulira Mine Primary School is something very special!




  We came together for the first time last Term and we meet once a week after school to discuss ideas and plans for the future to keep our Link strong. The Link has been an important part of our school life and we are very excited and proud to become involved so that we can improve communication between the pupils from each school. 

We each wrote a letter explaining why we thought we would be a valuable member of the committee and took on roles specifically linking each one of us to a class within the school. Our aim is to produce regular Newsletters to send out to Mufulira. They will contain news and events from Bruton Primary and most importantly we will be sharing what we have been learning about. The children in each class had plenty to tell us so we got busy typing up all our notes! 😃


Look out for our Logo!


Every good Committee needs a Logo they can be recognised by, so that was our next task.


Congratulations to Otis for this fab, creative design. The teachers at Mufulira were very impressed and their children have now been inspired to create their own which we look forward to seeing.


So, here we are back at school after Lockdown caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. School looks very different as we are only allowed to welcome back Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and our Key Worker children. We are all getting used to remembering to social distance and wash our hands - a lot! Luckily, some of the members of our Link Committee are Year 6 so I have set them the task of sharing their feelings with you all in Mufulira. 

So, hot off the press, I am very happy to share with you two pieces of writing by Laila. I think they beautifully explain how she has felt. First, a description of how daily life changed in her household and then a poem.


