Photos of our Learning
As part of RE, Goldfinch Class had an amazing morning visiting St. Mary's Church with Mrs Davis. When inside the Church, they were tasked with finding items such as the lectern, pews, crosses, statues, the font, candles, stained glass windows, organs, pulpit, statues. They then wee set the task of sketching what they could see. Goldfinch class had lots of fun exploring and learning about the items found in St. Mary's, especially when listening to Reverend Jonathan explain the importance of baptism and what we would expect to see if a somebody is baptised in church.
Goldfinch Class played their part in the School Christmas fair by decorating their own festive Reindeer pots, which proved to be very popular amongst all who attended the event.
Goldfinch Class showed their creative and teamwork skills design and make a Stonehenge model out of biscuits and paper and LOTS of glue.
During our Quest, we have been learning about Hunters and Gatherers and the varied diets they ate. We discussed and re-enacted how they hunted and foraged for their food.
In our PE Lessons this term, we have been learning key gymnastics movements and skills and have incorporated them into a routine. These movements include the different tuck positions as well as straddle, pike , Lunge, arch, bridge. We then focussed on learning the forward and backwards role and using all the movement to create a routine to perform. Towards the end of term, we started using the frame to practice and improve core strength, balance and coordination. All Children have been able to create, practice and perform a brilliant routine in front of their class.
Oscar's fantastic Stonehenge model.
During our amazing trip to Carymoor Environment Centre, we did a range of interesting and informative activities which included talking about recycling and it's benefits. We also learnt bout a range of Stone age tools and items and how they would have been used. An example o this was how they used flint to dig, cut and stat fires. We also had an opportunity to build our very own shelter by weaving sticks together. In the afternoon, we had lots of fun learning how to track down animals by using a map and reading clues. We used clues to find a grid reference on the map. there is where we would fins the animal clue. Goldfinch class demonstrated excellent teamwork to track down a range of historic animals around in the Stone age. Everybody had lots of fun and learnt so much. Many thanks to those parent helper who helped during the trip.
Music notation - we have been learning about crotchets, quavers and rests
Oscar showing great enthusiasm and creativity with his homework on Volcanoes. Very well done Oscar!
PE activities with Mr. Daniels at Sporting Worlds.
During our PE sessions with Mr. Daniels from Sporting World, Goldfinch class have been learning through a wide range of different activities and games some fundamental body movements and skills, such as, hand eye coordination, agility, balance and spatial awareness. In the pictures above, you will see the children in a session completing a fun obstacle course. In this particular obstacle course, they are jumping over hurdles, balancing a tennis ball on their racket whilst following a path and dribbling in and out of cones.