Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

History week

History week - what a fun and fact-filled week!

Monday's KS1 carousel of activities with Upton Noble and Ditcheat KS1 children. Activities included writing an invitation to a Georgian ball and seal with a real wax seal, and making a traditional Georgian fan!

Tuesday - we looked around the mannequins, each dressed to represent a different era. We had a visit from Mr Harrison-Jones who taught us lots of interesting things about the four King Georges. In the afternoon we were visited by some teachers and students from Kings who carried out a carousel of activites; we painted eggs to look like Georgians, learnt about Georgian children's jobs and drew ourselves as though we lived then. We had great fun dressing up in Georgian clothes and acted out a 'typical day' as King George and Queen Catherine, finally we looked at some Georgian artefacts and compared them to today's modern equivalent. What a busy day!

Wednesday - we looked at Wedgewood pottery, we discussed what the job of being a potter would have been like and then had a go at creating a pottery teacup! In the afternoon with Mrs Davis we started making miniature Georgian houses using shoeboxes and paper templates. We also had a visit from Tanya, Steve and Harry the horse! They told us all about their 150 year old 'English Jaunting Cart'

Thursday - alongside swimming we spent the morning preparing cucumber sandwiches (did you know the Georgian's first created the sandwich?) jam tarts and jellies to enjoy a lovely afternoon tea. We also made some Jasperware style blue and white plates!

Friday - dress up as a Georgian day! We had a loan bag of costumes which we had great fun dressing up in, then took some photos of our fabulous outfits! We also had a visit from Charlotte, who told us all about Georgian houses, she even brought in some real artifacts from her own Georgian house! We also learnt about Jane Austen and the Georgian education system.
