Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

History Week

History Week

This week we have had a focus on the Georgian Era. We have taken part in lots of activities including Georgian banquet, making wax seals, wellie wanging, creating Georgian wallpapers and looking at Georgian artefacts.

We started the day with children from the Federation joining us for a carousel of activities.

Some History Teachers from King's School helped us to learn about the Georgians. We pretended to be archaeologists, decorated eggs to make them look like Georgians and acted out a day in the life of King George.

We had a box of Georgian artefacts to explore and think about what they might have been used for. Arlo's dad came and told us entertaining stories about the four King Georges.

On Wednesday a horse and carriage came to visit. We talked about how the Georgians would have travelled compared to the different ways we have today.

Josiah Wedgewood was the fourth richest man during the Georgian period. We looked at some Wedgewood plates and created our own for our Georgian Banquet. We also had fun welie-wanging because wellington boots were first made for the Viscount of Wellington during the Georgian period.

The children (and you) did a fabulous job at dressing up as Georgians for History week.
