Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Summer 1

Welcome back Goldfinch,


This term our topic is 'Rotten Romans'.

This topic will help us develop our knowledge and skills in Geography and History. We will be focusing on who the Romans were and where they came from as well as the impact that the Roman invasion of Britain had on the local area as well as the wider world. We will also look at how the Roman Empire spread and the response from the British resistance as well as the impact on everyday life.  


PE Days - This term we will continue to have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please could the children come wearing their sports kit on this day.  As the weather warms up, we will be hoping to be outside as much as possible so suitable clothing should be worn for this. We are also awaiting news on our swimming pool. As soon as the weather and pool conditions allow, we will send a separate letter to let you know we have the green light!


Reading - Children should continue to read at least 3-times a week with adults signing their reading record every time. Reading books should be in school everyday. We still encourage every child to  continue reading their own book for pleasure.

Spelling Shed - Log in details for this fun, interactive spelling practice programme can be found in the front of reading records. Every Monday morning, the children will do a follow up activity based on the previous weeks spellings. 


TT Rockstars - I was so impressed with Goldfinch and their efforts on TT Rockstars last term. I would love to see the same this term, especially from year 4 children who will be completing their  'Times Table check'  in the upcoming weeks. 
