We worked together to decide on our 'Class Rules' and what each meant. We thought about different ways in which we can make Dove Class the very best it can be. We will refer to these rules throughout the year.
We looked at the artist Henry Moore and how he created his sculptures of people using different materials. The children formed the positions of the sculptures using their bodies. Next they created their own head self portraits using clay using the tools to make different textures and adding a base to them (like the Henry Moore sculptures have.)
Our Learning Behaviour focus this term is 'being RESPONSIBLE.' The children in Dove Class decorated an egg, named it and created a carrier for it. They had to be responsible for their egg all day with the aim being not to break it ! This included at break times where the children had to trust a 'babysitter' to mind their egg if they wanted to play. The children did so well and we only had a few breakages!
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