Identifying different types of teeth and their function using marshmallows to create our own mouths. Goldfinch focussed on molding the size and shape of the marshmallows to represent the different teeth and their functions.
Goldfinch spent time in the forest school area finding and using materials to create the human digestive system. We had some very creative stomachs built out of leaves and stones as well as twigs representing the esophagus. Goldfinch had lots of fun showing their understanding of the digestive system.
Goldfinch had a fantastic time taking part in Bruton's Danceathon which took place on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th of September. The children and myself attempted to dance for 1 hour to a variation of fun songs and well known dances. We had lots of fun.
Houser and Worth Art trip (Phyllida Barlow) Exhibition
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