Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Autumn 2

Ancient Egyptians

 This Terms Quest topic is focusing Ancient Egypt. In this Topic, we will learn about the Ancient Egyptians and what it was like to live in this time. We will also:

  • Find out about ancient Egyptian life by looking at artefacts and exploring what they could have been used for.
  • Explore what was important to people during ancient Egyptian times particularly the River Nile.
  • Describe some of the foods and drinks the ancient Egyptians may have consumed.
  • Understand and explain the ancient Egyptian ritual of mummification.
  • Understand how evidence can give us different answers about the past.
  • Retell the key events of the Tutankhamun discovery story 
  • Imagine that we are Howard Carter writing a diary in the 1920s
  • Compare and contrast the Egyptian writing with our own through exploring how hieroglyphics were used.
  • Compare and contrast the powers of different Egyptian gods.