Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Autumn Two

Toy Time Travellers - Autumn Two

Our Quest this half term is called Toy, Time Travellers. The children will be finding out about different toys from the past - ordering them on a time line, looking closely at the materials used and why toys have changed in the present day. They will be given the opportunity to handle the artefacts and also to look at the collections of those in the Bruton Museum and from people in our community. The children will be taking part in a DT project about wheels and axels. Please see our Parent Overview for more detailed information about what the children will be doing.

Our performance this term is called


Bethlehem Bake- Off

We are excited to start work on our KS1 production called Bethlehem Bake-Off. Letters will be sent home shortly outlining what your child will be and what costume they will need to bring.


Our texts this half term are going to be Beegu (for English) and The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark (for whole class reading). Please continue to read with your child at least three times a week. Each child will read at least once a week with an adult and some will read daily. We are so lucky to have two regular parent reading volunteers. Please let me know if you can spare an hour each week.

   What Happens Each Week:


  • P.E. days continue to be Monday and Thursday - please wear school P.E. kit
  • Reading books - every day
  • Share a Book - Tuesdays and Thursdays

