Bruton Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Ditcheat Primary School and Upton Noble C of E VC Primary School

Visitors/ Visits

Dove Class went to St Mary's Church to see some interesting paintings of the Resurrection. The children looked at each painting and thought about who was in it and what the different colours represented.

We had am art history workshop presented by Briony from Magic Lantern. The children learned all about how different colours were made long ago and they talked about what the colours made them feel. They explored some different paintings and talked about how the colour was used. it was fun pretending to be a wave and making the noises of the animals in the jungle!

Dove Class went to visit Bo Lee and Workman Art Gallery where they saw an exhibition called 'Encounters' by an artist called Kathryn Mapel. Her work is all about the people she meets in different places and she builds up her work using layers of colours. The children posed in the shape of the people and then used coloured pastels to create their own images from.
